Sunday 25 September 2011

Computer science???!!!

science com??? haha
sc com la bagi pointer ak naik time ups...haha

This is my 1st time takin this subject. Firstly, i thought it would be boring, but after ive learnt some of the topics, i think its quite challenging. Many things that we have to memorize. zzzzzzz~~~
Its quite tough.
My favourite part is the logic gate and binary numbers. Its quite simple, not many things need to memorize and its all about the concept and calc.
For me, the hardest part is to memorize all the function and definition of computer component. zzzzzzz~~~
But, somehow ive learnt a lot of things that i never know or i never want to know at all about computer and internet. This is the interesting part of com sc for me.
since its one of the major subjects, i still have to score to get 4.o..............

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